Its not their Journey

Sometimes people around you would Not Understand Your Actions.
They don’t need to, as it’s Not Their Journey.

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Life in Tough Times

If your Life is going through tough times, remember there’s always Peace after every High tide.
Learn to find Peace even in High tides time.

If your Life is going through tough times, remember there’s always Peace after every High tide. Learn to find Peace even in High tides time
Life in tough times

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Better Person every Passing Day

Your Goal must be to Be a Better Person, every passing day, And it always Start with little Effort everyday.

Your Goal must be, to be a Better person every passing day. And it always start with little effort everyday.
Be better person every passing day

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Act of Kindness brings Peace

One of the biggest factors in gaining Inner Peace is through any act of Kindness. Try to show kindness and see how it brings peacefulness and calmness in you.

One of the biggest factors in gaining inner peace is through any act of kindness.
Gain Inner Peace with act of Kindness

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Staying Silent is best answer

Avoid responding to everything you hear or say to you. Staying Silent is best answer in such situations. Learn to answer only to those, which matter the most.

Avoid Responding to everything you hear or say to you. Staying silent is Best Answer in such situations -
Sometimes Staying silent is the best thing

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No Shortcut to Success

There is No shortcut to Success. Learn to be patient and practice Perseverance.

There is no Shortcut to Success -
There is no shortcut to success

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