Dont get distracted

Don’t let Yourself distract from your Targets, by Engaging yourself,
With people that Don’t matter,
And With things that Don’t matter.

Don’t let Yourself distract from your Targets, by Engaging yourself,
With people that Don’t matter,
And With things that Don’t matter.
Don’t let yourself distracted

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Kindness brings Peace

Kindness cleanses your Soul and Adds Peacefulness in you.

Kindness cleanses your Soul and Adds Peacefulness in you.
Kindness brings Peace

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Its not their Journey

Sometimes people around you would Not Understand Your Actions.
They don’t need to, as it’s Not Their Journey.

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Willpower can be improved

“Willpower can be improved through: Mindfulness, Exercise, Nutrition and Sleep.”

Above all, Strong Willpower allows you to meet your Goal.

Willpower can be improved through: Mindfulness, Exercise, Nutrition and Sleep
Willpower can be Improved Quote

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Change yourself to be Successful

In order to be successful, You must be willing to Make a change, Accept a change or Be part of change, to improve Self discipline.

In order to be successful, you must be willing to make a change, accept a change or be part of change, to improve self discipline.
Change yourself to be Successful Quote

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Art of Understanding Perspectives

Learn the Art of Understanding Perspectives.
They would allow you to Wisely make Right Decisions.

Jawad Abid

Art of understanding perspectives Quote
Art of understanding perspectives Quote

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